With Black Friday behind us, today we embark on that other, safer and saner holiday tradition—Cyber Monday. Today's…
With Black Friday behind us, today we embark on that other, safer and saner holiday tradition—Cyber Monday. Today's…
Some smart gamers eye the addition of multiplayer modes to formerly single-player franchises with the kind of…
Battlefield 3 releases on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 on Tuesday. Other titles include Kinect Sports Season Two for the 360…
Multiplayer is finally coming to Mass Effect, BioWare confirmed today. Next year's Mass Effect 3 adds four-player…
With the dawning of Star Wars: The Old Republic, Star Wars: Galaxies, aka "that other old MMO," is headed for…
In the Star Wars universe, nobody ever really wins anything. When good "wins" evil remains, and when evil remains,…
There's only been one Facebook game I've ever set an alarm for in real life: Starfleet Commander made me get up in…
By popular demand—yes, because both of you demanded it—my weekly round-up of new comics recommendations is arriving…
Are you planning on siding with the Republic or the Empire when Star Wars: The Old Republic goes live? Either way…
With the promise of more fluid combat, vicious melee attacks, tougher enemies and a nimbler Commander Shepard, Mass…