Open a gachapon and see where life takes you! Gacha is a cute, cosy game that takes the player through snapshots of a coming-of-age experience. There are many collectible toys to unlock and experiences to discover. We hope you enjoy it! Thank you Developed for Ludum Dare 44, with theme being "Your life is currency"
The chat feature in Breath of the Wild-style gacha game Genshin Impact has been found to censor a variety of words,…
Today the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) announced a new ratings description specifically for games with…
Japan is getting a new Monster Hunter game for phones next winter. It’s called Monster Hunter: Riders, and there’s not much to glean from the trailer, but the graphics look good and cooking elaborate meals is also present. It’s free-to-play, though, so hopefully it’s not mired in gacha-style microtransactions.