This March, a NSFW thread popped up on 2ch, the country's largest bulletin board. The thread's title was "Let's…
Funny Money is a strategy game in which players must collect a certain amount of money and then reach the exit.
This March, a NSFW thread popped up on 2ch, the country's largest bulletin board. The thread's title was "Let's…
Microsoft seems to be having success bundling up full price releases with $20 worth of funny money on Xbox Live, so…
Between XCOM and Dishonored, most gamers are probably unable to even think about anything on the horizon—the…
Most of the critics agree: Resident Evil 6 is an overstuffed mess.
Are you an Xbox Live Gold subscriber with a Gamerscore of more than 3,000 but not more than 10,000? Well, good news…
[Editor's Note: What follows is a story about someone who took drugs and writes honestly about her experience. We do…
Tired of paying $60 for brand new video games? Would you rather pay $54? You'll be able to do that on a PlayStation…
Ordinarily bonus credits don't do much for me as you're still paying full price, and the lure is meant to get you to…
It's funny when anyone on the Internet flips out, but no one does it better than the video gamer. When the issue…
I spent $31.42 on an iPad game two weeks ago. $31.42. On an iPad game.