From the first NES adventure to the Switch’s Odyssey, we take a look at the best and worst parts of the Super Mario…
A Connect Four game for Android.
From the first NES adventure to the Switch’s Odyssey, we take a look at the best and worst parts of the Super Mario…
The Pokémon Company issued a statement promising to bolster the production system
Keep a level playing field in Capcom's classic survival horror game
It’s buy one get one free for Switch JRPGs and you can get a $5 Zelda Amiibo
Someone allegedly tried to sell tons of rare Fusion Strike cards stolen from The Pokémon Company
Slytherin’s persistence throughout Harry Potter media reflects the franchise’s larger ethical issues
Why, yes, I’d love to carry Soldier: 76’s health station around in my pocket
A genre growing in popularity over the years, extraction shooters like Escape from Tarkov and Warzone's DMZ shake up…
A city-builder with no roads, taxes or industrial zones
Laurice ‘GuhRL’ Habibi, Isabella ‘Avuhlie’ Rivera, Kornelia ‘Sabz’ Zawistowska, and Jane ‘Janey’ Newstead on making…