Horizon Zero Dawn was a terrific game. Guess what? Its new expansion, The Frozen Wilds, is also good.
Horizon Zero Dawn was a terrific game. Guess what? Its new expansion, The Frozen Wilds, is also good.
For all its extraordinary visual splendor, Assassin’s Creed Origins is ultimately an ordinary video game. That’s not…
“He who controls the Spice controls the universe.” Okay, Spice doesn’t exist in EVE Online, but just the same, rare…
Divinity: Original Sin 2 has a mode that lets players design their own Dungeons & Dragons-esque adventure inside the…
Words I didn’t expect to type in 2017: I really like the new Knack. So much for the running joke that this…
This year’s International has broken the record for largest prize pool in esports at over $20,700,460 and still…
Imagine your old high school. Picture the doors you’d pass through at the start of each day. See if you can recall…
I die. A lot. In all types of games, but especially in Loot Rascals. Thanks to its precious art style and bubbling…