For years now, the latest console generation has been coasting on the idea that more raw power means better games.…
Survive Fire Rock! The treasures within are hard to obtain, but you are the brave warrior sent to defeat the monsters.
For years now, the latest console generation has been coasting on the idea that more raw power means better games.…
Players of Nintendo’s newest mobile game love to hate and hate to love one specific unit, the mere presence of…
Out of hundreds of potential choices, competitive Pokémon players can only bring six Alolan monsters into a…
The original Pillars Of Eternity was an excellent revival of classic-style PC RPGs (think Baldur’s Gate, but…
Unless you’re living under a rock, you probably noticed the Women’s Marches going on all over the world this weekend.…
Things haven’t been going awesome for Kim Kardashian recently, what with the robbery and her husband’s psychotic…
Eleven years after its release, the first-person shooter F.E.A.R. still feels ahead of its time. It is one of the…
You’re four years old, maybe five. Your parents got one of those Nintendos that everyone’s been raving about, along…