In an almost "weird that it didn't happen sooner" kind of way, Chinese state media reports that two Chinese…
Slice up shapes with your mouse or finger, reach the goal size, avoid bouncing balls, bombs and impenetrable walls. Better your score and earn achievements.
In an almost "weird that it didn't happen sooner" kind of way, Chinese state media reports that two Chinese…
Pro-gamers dedicate long hours honing their skills to compete on a world class level. According to one team…
With the Xbox One dropping in China in September and the PlayStation 4 dropping some time later, Chinese news…
The 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil is in full swing! As with the previous two World Cups, China doesn't have a team…
Have an Xbox? Like free money? Today Best Buy will sell you a $25 Xbox Gift Card for $20, and then throw in an…
I have already talked at length about how the music of Final Fantasy has affected me, so you can probably guess that…
Every year around this time, China holds a massive military drill. Like clockwork. Military police units from across…
As if taking a page out of the classic movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit, a Chinese graduate student has thrown himself…
Let's face it, modern smartphones, with their giant glass screens, are in constant danger! Those glorious screens…
Over the weekend, the Avengers assembled in Taiwan! Well... sort of. This past weekend in Taipei, thousands of…