CultureCultureRazer’s Huntsman V2 Is That Rarest Of Beasts: An Analog KeyboardMost mechanical keyboard switches have two states, on or off. The switches inside Razer’s new $250 Huntsman V2…ByMike FaheyPublishedFebruary 5, 2021
The BestsThe BestsLet's Rank (A Few) Sonic GamesThere are a lot of Sonic games. There aren’t too many Sonic games because one can never get enough of the blue…ByAsh ParrishPublishedJanuary 15, 2021
ReviewsYear in ReviewReviewsYear in ReviewThe State Of The Nintendo Switch In 2020It’s hard to imagine what the state of the Nintendo Switch would look like right now if 2020 hadn’t been so…ByMike FaheyPublishedDecember 21, 2020
CultureSplitscreenCultureSplitscreenIt Sucks When Games Don't Respect Players' TimeSomehow, it’s already November. But also, good lord, it is finally November. Such is the duality of 2020, a year…ByNathan GraysonPublishedNovember 13, 2020
Game TipsGame TipsTips For Playing Yakuza: Like A DragonIt doesn’t matter if you’re a newcomer to the series or a veteran, there’s a lot to get to grips with in the latest Y…ByLuke PlunkettPublishedNovember 11, 2020
CultureCultureThis Speedy Gaming Monitor Was Co-Designed By PorscheNon-congressional gaming monitor maker AOC and Porsche Design have teamed up to create exactly what one would expect…ByMike FaheyPublishedNovember 11, 2020
ReviewsSwitchReviewsSwitchMario Kart Live: Home Circuit: The Kotaku Review I experienced legit childlike glee upon first laying eyes on Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit during Nintendo’s recent …ByAsh ParrishPublishedOctober 14, 2020
CultureSpeedrunningCultureSpeedrunningHow Hades Speedrunners Clear The Game In Under Eight MinutesSupergiant Games' roguelike has been mastered by speedrunnersByAri NotisPublishedOctober 13, 2020
CultureCultureMario Kart Live: Home Circuit Looks Like Fun If You Have The Space (And Money) For ItEarlier this week Nintendo let me preview its upcoming attempt to graft Mario Kart onto remote control cars through…ByEthan GachPublishedOctober 1, 2020
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsFast & Furious Crossroads Is RidiculousThough all of the action in Fast & Furious Crossroads, the star-studded video game side story to the long-running…ByMike FaheyPublishedAugust 10, 2020