Cosplayers and model creators will all give you fairly similar advice to starting a new project. It begins with a…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Eye of the Portal
Make your way to the surface in the Action bullet-hell game and embark on a quest to fight your god and break the curse. You are the child of the eye and you must go against your morals to break the curse for all.
Cosplayers and model creators will all give you fairly similar advice to starting a new project. It begins with a…
Here are two people I chased at PAX East. Their costumes aren't perfect, but their cosplay concept is. They are…
Our beaten, bloodied and bruise party stood before the gold-trimmed door, attempting to unravel the secret means of…
When you love two things as much as fan fiction author slyfan1030 loves the Sly Cooper and SoulCalibur franchise,…
The fine folks over at have taken on one of the most herculean tasks in video-game-list-writing:…
I played a ton of games in 2011. More, probably, than any other year of my life. So when it came time to choose the…
Like most of us, Tim Sweeney has owned several Ferraris. He's also owned a few cell phones.
None of the members of the GameCity Prize jury are gamers, but the odd collection of actors, musicians, politicians,…
When he got the vision floater in his right eye that morning at work, Mikey Neumann figured in the next 30 minutes…