Gundam is a massive franchise in Japan. There have been twelve TV series, scores of video games, numerous movies and…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Evolution of War
The Evolution of War game shows the evolution of warfare in 5 ages, starting with the age of dinosaurs, crusades, medieval, 21st century (present time) and futuristic (fiction).The game's main objective is to destroy the enemy base.
Gundam is a massive franchise in Japan. There have been twelve TV series, scores of video games, numerous movies and…
If you're a regular Kotaku Melodic reader, you're no stranger to the idea that despite many developers' cinematic…
It's starting to look as though game developers have moved their cinematic ambitions beyond the story of Charles…
I've just finished playing Overrun, the new multiplayer mode in Epic and People Can Fly's Gears of War: Judgment. As…
So, I have to be honest: I've spent two years avoiding Civilization V on purpose. It's not that I have anything…
For years now, teens in Tokyo's fashionable Harajuku have been pushing the envelope with their Gothic Lolita…
If you want to get in on Guild Wars 2's beta test this weekend, well, you'll need to go ahead and pre-purchase (as…
This Wednesday edition of Kotaku's The Moneysaver catches all the offers, promotions and bargains that can't wait…
Today I wrote about "Augusta," the theme of The Masters Tournament television broadcast since 1980, and its…
Xenoblade Chronicles taught me an important lesson: Never trust the Internet.