EverQuest is a 3D fantasy-themed massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released on March 16, 1999. Players move their character throughout the medieval fantasy world of Norrath, often fighting monsters and enemies for treasure and experience points, and optionally mastering trade skills. As they progress, players advance in level, gaining power, prestige, spells, and abilities through valorous deeds such as entering overrun castles and keeps, defeating worthy opponents found within, and looting their remains. Experience and prestigious equipment can also be obtained by completing quests given out by non-player characters found throughout the land. EverQuest allows players to interact with other people through role-play, joining player guilds, and dueling other players (in restricted situations – EverQuest only allows player versus player (PVP) combat on the PvP-specific server, specified arena zones and through agreed upon dueling).
Ten years ago I wrote a story about EverQuest, the online role-playing game I was so obsessed with it cost me my job…
If you thought gaming on a normal, 21:9 ultrawide monitor was ridiculous, wait until you get a load of a 32:9…
Massively multiplayer online fantasy role-playing game EverQuest turned 20 years old over the weekend, and it’s still going strong. Daybreak Games celebrates the milestone with a pair of new progression servers, special in-game events and a 50 percent experience point bonus through March. Ding!
When Final Fantasy XI was released for PlayStation 2 in 2002, it was part of the first wave of massive online…
If you play video games, you are an ideal target to get wrecked by hackers.
Nearly two decades old, venerable MMORPG EverQuest gets its 25th expansion pack on December 11. Called The Burning Lands, the expansion features a war between elemental jann, six new planar zones and a new Luck stat. Also, people are still playing EverQuest.
Triple-A blockbuster season is heating up, which means everybody is now knee-deep in gargantuan games like Black Ops…
Did you know EverQuest II has averaged at least one expansion pack a year since its 2004 launch? Today Daybreak announced EQII’s 15th expansion, Chaos Descending, goes live on Tuesday, November 13. Players can explore new elemental planes and start gearing and leveling up their mounts. Weird.
Right now, if you download Minecraft on Switch, you can play with any of your friends who are on PC. You can play…