Many games are about escapism. Allowing the player to escape from their boring or shitty life and experience…
Many games are about escapism. Allowing the player to escape from their boring or shitty life and experience…
I don’t know a lot about Fate/Stay Night, a 2004 adult visual novel about stylized historical figures battling over…
Apex Legends’ first season, Wild Frontier, is here, bringing a battle pass, a new character, and some other changes.…
Ape Out is one of those games where every move could be your last. Ape Out is one of those games where you shout…
I don’t try to be the best in battle royale games. I don’t troll or anything, but I’m not as concerned with skillful…
I learned about survival horror from the first Resident Evil, and loved how Resident Evil 2 took that to the next…
By the end of Far Cry 5, the modern world was no more. Washed away in a gout of nuclear fire, all there was left to…
When I think of the toughest games of my childhood, the Ghosts ‘n Goblins series from Capcom immediately comes to…
Because it changes up so much of what we’ve come to consider the traditonal Zelda formula, Zelda II: The Adventure…
The best video game sidequests are detours worth taking. They can be even more delightful than a good game’s main…