I recently left my apartment in northern California and drove a U-Haul full of my belongings to a new place in…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Empty Skull
"Empty Skull" is a pixelated indie puzzle game with RPG elements that revolves around a skeleton trying to recollect its life.
I recently left my apartment in northern California and drove a U-Haul full of my belongings to a new place in…
Some movies just make sense. Mandy, starring a near-feral Nicolas Cage, is not one of them. It begins as a…
Playing Rage 2 gave me flashbacks to playing Doom (2016). And that’s a very good thing.
Remember when Destiny 1 players figured out that you could easily beat a raid boss by pulling your LAN cable?…
If you were one of the few people lucky enough to get your hands on the recently released NES Classic, than you’ve…
Over the last two months, I played a lot of Destiny. Too much, if I’m being honest. I have few regrets: It was fun,…
Ever since Shadow of Mordor came out, many gamers have taken to its unique brand of orc-killing with a gusto.…
It's here! Like a murderous detective leaping from a Skyline, the Bioshock Infinite board game wants to come…
Welcome to the first official Ask Kotaku column, where I will provide weekly answers to the questions you send me.…
Months before I had played Dark Souls, I came across a list of things that players should finish up at the end of…