Did you think dropping $60 on a copy of Mass Effect 3 next month would be enough to save the Earth from the…
A shareware sci-fi shoot 'em up where the player controls an evil alien ship as they fight against the forces of Earth.
Did you think dropping $60 on a copy of Mass Effect 3 next month would be enough to save the Earth from the…
Only four of the sexy robot designs from Transformers: War for Cybertron ever made it toy store shelves, a tragic…
Back when Mass Effect 2 was a single-player only experience, fancy armor and special weapons didn't count for very…
Someone was bright enough over the weekend to not only download the accidentally-leaked Mass Effect 3 beta, but…
Ken Levine, lead creator of BioShock, recently thanked me for running a weekly comics column here at Kotaku. He said…
After the flawed Resistance 2, a game that drained the joy from the PlayStation 3's once very promising shooter…
The Earth is burning. Mankind stands on the brink of extinction. And all I can think about is how pretty I'm going…
The beloved but dormant X-COM series, the strategy game franchise created by Mythos and Microprose, is getting a…
Blockbuster video games rarely released during the summer. But scale is no measure of quality; and while not all are…
I'm supposed to be telling you about a new video game called Defiance, but... I have to tell you something else: I…