Dys4ia is an abstract, autobiographical Adobe Flash video game that Anna Anthropy, also known as Auntie Pixelante, developed to recount her experiences of gender dysphoria and hormone replacement therapy.
The weekend is almost here. You’ve got this. I’ve got this. We’ve got this. Before Friday rolls to an end, here’s…
Anna Anthropy, designer behind Dys4ia and Triad, and author of Rise of the Videogame Zinesters, just released a Halloweeny digital choose your own adventure book. It's really charming—you can go between telling jokes to skeletons to finding a Crystal City. Purchasable here. (Update: full disclosure...Anthropy was… Read more
What do you think about when you think about poetry? Does a 1950s beatnik stereotype come into your head? Do you…
The 2013 Game Developers Conference is over. The chatter of the show floor has faded, the bathroom lines have…
Not everyone knows the joy of playing as a protagonist that is like them—someone with the same skin color, with the…
It's December. A whole year has gone by—a whole year without Skyrim. And yet it's obvious to me—to everyone—that…
My favorite videogames are the games I don't fully understand. They stay with me after I stop playing. They ask…
I don't know what to say about Nicolau Chaud's Polymorphous Perversity. That doesn't mean there isn't anything to…