You know what would be awesome? Warhawk, only in space. And we can name it after one of the most notable figures of…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Drag Battle
You know what would be awesome? Warhawk, only in space. And we can name it after one of the most notable figures of…
At the University of Texas "every Friday before finals there's a thing called 'Foam Sword Friday,'" writes Austin…
How much to we value weirdness? How much weight do we place on eccentricity? There are so many video games that are…
For years the folks at Team Ninja have been making poor game reviewers battle their way through some of the most…
You know, if Sega had simply marketed Binary Domain with the slogan, "Shoot some robots", I probably wouldn't have…
Tomorrow marks the second time in Final Fantasy history that Square Enix releases a direct console sequel to one of…
There's this thing about fighting games—you really have to play them. They're like a musical instrument, like a drum…
The appeal of Wind-Up Robots is rather simply understood, for kids young and old who have played with toys and…
Yesterday, I took a look at Mario Kart 7's online multiplayer, which is functional and easier to use than any past …
Call of Duty: Zombies was a hit on the iPhone, a simplified port of the popular "Nazi Zombies" game from Call of…