Despite the title, the Indie Games Summer Uprising for the Xbox Live Indie Games Channel won't be some spontaneous…
Doom II was included in Doom 3 Collector's Edition for the Xbox, which was released in 2005. This port includes an exclusive level, "Betray". It featured multiplayer like the PC version, however not through Xbox Live. This port was programmed by Vicarious Visions. The Xbox version of Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil also contains this same port, as well as Master Levels for Doom II.
Despite the title, the Indie Games Summer Uprising for the Xbox Live Indie Games Channel won't be some spontaneous…
It's Thursday, and Nintendo has updated its various digital delivery services with fresh new games, some that come…
To celebrate today's Quakecon kick-off a slew of id Software games are on deep discount over on iTunes.
I first played Starsiege: Tribes at the 1998 E3 Expo in Atlanta, Georgia. A relative newcomer to the multiplayer…
The third siege of dungeons arrived a little while back, with Obsidian taking the reins of the Gas-Powered…
The Supreme Court sided with the video game industry today, declaring a victor in the six-year legal match between…
The Smithsonian American Art Museum revealed the winners of its public vote to decide what games will be featured in…
...I Think Of Maureen | I now own the most badass, one-of-a-kind controller bin in the world, courtesy of Kotaku…
One of the great things about the Genesis (or Mega Drive, depending on where you're from) is the fact that, unlike…
Now's the time to strike on select Xbox Live games and add-ons, as Microsoft is offering deals through its "Extreme…