It has long been a silly and antiquated tradition for video game fans to pledge allegiances to companies, or to…
Donkey Me is a Donkey Kong clone with film-inspired themes
It has long been a silly and antiquated tradition for video game fans to pledge allegiances to companies, or to…
Ever since the new season of Game of Thrones started, I've gathered with a group of friends each Sunday night to…
The conventional wisdom is that Nintendo has screwed up. They've lost the plot. Dropped the ball. Somehow sunk their…
No running. No jumping. No minecarts. Some developers in Uruguay have been making a game called Bullet Boy that…
Overpriced DLC, outsourced boss battles, fake Wii U exclusivity, and a lot of bullshit has surrounded Deus Ex: Human…
On the third floor of Nintendo’s U.S. headquarters, next to the conference rooms named after Mario and Donkey Kong,…
We had a great deal on the Avatar graphic novels recently, and today you can complete your collection with great…
Explore Joss Whedon's 'Verse in the rarely-discounted Firefly Board Game, available for $34 for a time we expect to…
"Nintendo, man," my friend Jeremy said to me. "You'll fall in love with them. But then they'll break your heart."
There are few experiences I cherish more as a games reporter than walking into a room full of new, unfinished video…