The Yakuza series combine deep melodrama with exploration through vibrant city streets. Yakuza Kiwami is a remake…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Depth Gun
Ludum Dare 38
The Yakuza series combine deep melodrama with exploration through vibrant city streets. Yakuza Kiwami is a remake…
Apex Legends dropped into the battle royale genre with a strong first impression. There’s still an allure of…
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the very best of the Smash Bros. series.
Hitman series protagonist Agent 47 isn’t an interesting guy. Despite his gleaming, barcoded head, he disappears into…
The fourth installment of Treyarch’s Black Ops series might be the first Call of Duty to forgo a single-player…
Is there anything so satisfying to watch as a well-played Mario speedrun? What makes an expert run of Super Mario…
“Game developers don’t like me,” said Sabina Hemmi. “Before I came around, there was no insight into how balanced a…
The next game from the makers of The Witcher 3 is looking impressive, and perhaps most importantly, it looks like a…
Six months after gritty survival shooter PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds’ debut, the cartoony, lighthearted survival…
Okay, okay, it’s time to talk about how Far Cry 5 ends.