Just one upcoming release gets a discount this week, and Walmart is running a combination sale that's attractive,…
Experts in meditation have created an innovative game concept inspired by the ancient system of chakras - the body's seven energy centers through which the life force flows - and challenges players to achieve a peaceful and focused "flow state." As they make their way through a visually stunning environment, players practice playful yoga-inspired activities, breathing exercises and meditation. Their journey is set to mood-enhancing music and infused with Deepak’s teachings and philosophies.
Just one upcoming release gets a discount this week, and Walmart is running a combination sale that's attractive,…
There's nothing cheaper than free, right? This weekend, there's a free trial of Star Wars: The Old Republic. And…
SHANGHAI - Spotted by reader fullmulletjacket at the Shanghai Mall. (Photo by Fullmulletjacket)
How do you make an Xbox 360 game out of Deepak Chopra's spiritual beliefs and practices? You don't, not exactly.…
We reported almost a year ago that spiritual teacher Deepak Chopra teamed up with THQ to build a video game that…