You will die. Frequently.
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Death Machine
Conquer the mechanical citadel in Death Machine - a metroidvania, with a roguelite item system. Gather items to gain strength, navigate the perilous machine world, leverage the aid of ancient demons, and seek out dangerous denizens to defeat before the forces of the machine close in on you.
You will die. Frequently.
Game designers and enthusiasts have, for many years, faced the challenges of preserving history in a digital…
Editor's note: Hollywood seems to have a penchant for shitty video game adaptations, don't they? But the utter…
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Batman: Arkham City is a wonderful and violent video game. It's rated T by the Entertainment Software Ratings…
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If you died tomorrow, if some kind of disaster struck and removed you entirely from the world, would the choices…
The companion characters in Mass Effect are living, breathing, loving characters with unique personalities and…
Every few weeks we here at Kotaku make a selection of some of the best indie games that Xbox Live has to offer.…