Today saw the playable premier of the newest game in the Ace Attorney series at the Tokyo Game Show —and it seems…
Dead in the Water is all about the thrills, chills, and spills of powerboat racing. Choose from 14 different boats, and then hit one of the nine courses, each with unique obstacles, conditions, and jumps. After winning a race, upgrade your weapons to keep a tactical advantage over the competition. If racing for speed is not your style, play the battle mode and try to destroy all of your opponents. Thanks to the realistic water physics, swells will throw your boat into the air, currents will affect your speed based on their direction, and landing hard after a jump will put the boat under water and cause a major slowdown. Can you handle all of the action of Dead in the Water?
Today saw the playable premier of the newest game in the Ace Attorney series at the Tokyo Game Show —and it seems…
By and large, love is better with other people. And when saving all the love in the universe means shooting a bunch…
The Internet’s attempt to play Dark Souls has been fun to watch, even if they’ve spent most of the time rolling into…
YouTuber Many A True Nerd did not rest on his laurels after beating Fallout:…
They don’t call them ‘Deathclaws’ for nothing, you know.
Narrow wins, level-one teams, besting cheaters, Shiny Pokémon captures...Kotaku readers shared some of their most…
I can’t believe this is true, but: Dragon Ball is back, and it’s better than ever.
If I really hated Batman and wanted him dead, I’m not sure my first step would be to design a series of elaborate…
The second episode of True Detective went out with a big, big bang last night. I have no idea how to start…