Imagine a world in which the Sombra Overwatch ARG never ends—a horror world where there are only unsolved mysteries…
Days of Discord is a digital collectible card game.
Imagine a world in which the Sombra Overwatch ARG never ends—a horror world where there are only unsolved mysteries…
The hunt for info on Overwatch’s next hero, a stealthy hacker named Sombra, has brought over 7,000 fans into…
Overwatch fans’ investigation into the identity of unreleased stealth hero Sombra is moving slowly, even after game…
I had a long, entertaining chat with Ta-Nehisi Coates two weeks before the first issue of the new Black Panther…
Recently at GDC I got to try out Valve’s new collection of VR game vignettes, The Lab. It was cool. It was also...…
The big winter Steam sale sure appears to be Just Another Steam Sale, doesn’t it? A handful of Steam users, however,…
The video games we play are made by people who live and work around the world. But how often do we think about that…
Meet Chasm, an upcoming indie 2D dungeon-crawler inspired by the likes of Ys III: Wanderers From Ys and other…
You press a button, and the beat drops. Forward you fly, straight into the perilous unknown, beats pushing against…