Anime director Satoshi Kon passed away on August 24th, 2010 after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer earlier the…
Anime director Satoshi Kon passed away on August 24th, 2010 after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer earlier the…
Castration. Cutting off fingers. Photos of your genitals shown publicly forever. These aren't just idle threats.…
Welcome to the Best of Kotaku, where I round up all of this week's best content.
We've all waited a long time for a new BioShock, an even longer time for one overseen by Ken Levine, whose…
Lately, it seems everyone's been talking about Lara Croft. The iconic star of the Tomb Raider franchise is getting a…
Music is, as I've written here so many times I've lost count, a part of the soul of any good video game. The beats…
If you're here in the Panel Discussion programming block, you might be a lapsed comics reader, trying to find a way…
We've seen how Epic's Unreal Engine 3 can be used to create dark, gritty and realistic games like The Dark Meadow, Ho…
For those who are not familiar with the site, is essentially a repository of information on…