CultureKotaku Game DiaryCultureKotaku Game DiaryI Made A Radical (Literally) Playlist For The Outer WorldsWhenever I really love a piece of media, I make a mixtape of songs that remind me of it. As soon as I finished The…ByGita JacksonPublishedOctober 30, 2019
CultureCultureAfter Being 98% Off For 5 Years, This Indie Game Is Going Up To $100 ForeverIn today’s crowded video game market, getting eyes on your product can be a challenge, especially if you develop and…ByIan WalkerPublishedOctober 16, 2019
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8/5/19Every Big Game Coming Out In Summer 2019Summer used to be pretty sleepy in the world of video games. It was mostly convenient: School is out, beaches are…ByJoshua RiveraPublishedAugust 5, 2019
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsA Game Where You Try To Prevent A Shakespearean Murder In Real TimeAside from the Bible and other great religious works, it seems fair to say that William Shakespeare’s plays are…ByHeather AlexandraPublishedJuly 25, 2019
ReviewsSwitchReviewsSwitchFire Emblem: Three Houses: The Kotaku ReviewFire Emblem: Three Houses is a game for interesting times.ByGita JacksonPublishedJuly 25, 2019
7/12/19Final Fantasy IX Retrospective: The Final Fantasy's Final FantasyYou know when you’re playing around with a new recipe and you fall in love with one particular spice? Call it cumin.…ByJason SchreierPublishedJuly 12, 2019
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