Disney Infinity sounds like it's going to be the biggest thing Disney has ever done with games, and it's coming out…
Go on an unforgettable journey for treasure! Waiting for you chests stuffed with gold.
Disney Infinity sounds like it's going to be the biggest thing Disney has ever done with games, and it's coming out…
Here are a few things you can expect Far Cry 3 to include: shark-punching, pirate-killing, hang gliding and, oh,…
Far Cry 3 does a lot of things right. It's fun to play, the island setting is beautiful, sneaking around is a lot of…
It's been a long, hard year. But 2012 is coming to an end, climaxing in the end of year holidays. There's been a…
Questionable Tweets. Claims of legal threats. Edited resumes. An article that named names one day and didn't the…
There's a hidden oasis in Pandora that you never knew about, with palm trees and crystal clear water that I want to…
With Sunday seeing the debut of New Super Mario Bros. 2, the first Nintendo-published title launched simultaneously…
Pokémon Black and White had one goal: to recreate the feeling of wonder and awe many of us felt over a decade ago…
Even the characters inside of video games are sick of the wub-wub.
How much to we value weirdness? How much weight do we place on eccentricity? There are so many video games that are…