Lost Planet 3 wasn’t perfect. But, despite being an overly familiar shooter, the story it told and the main…
Go on an unforgettable journey for treasure! Waiting for you chests stuffed with gold.
Lost Planet 3 wasn’t perfect. But, despite being an overly familiar shooter, the story it told and the main…
You can spend five dollars in Plants Vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time to advance from Ancient Egypt to the Pirate…
Before Sid Meier was Sid Meier—the iconic video game designer whose name is stamped on classic titles like Pirates!…
Like most shonen anime and manga, One Piece is filled to the brim with crazy attacks and special moves. But what…
Misinformation. Server errors. Fan backlash. Since EA launched SimCity two weeks ago, the online city-builder has…
Near the beginning of StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm, as the noble pirate Jim Raynor and the…
One of the most villainous ways to raise the fear level in a game is to throw in a psycho clown. That clown is hides…
Ever try to drink out of a fire hose? Me neither, but I'd imagine that it might feel a little bit like trying to…
I think what I love most about Sela the Space Pirate is her unwavering courage in the face of overwhelming odds. She…
Disney Infinity sounds like it's going to be the biggest thing Disney has ever done with games, and it's coming out…