Dragon Age: Inquisition is a fantasy game. That word—fantasy—is a sort of shorthand, with a bunch of connotations.…
Dragon Age: Inquisition is a fantasy game. That word—fantasy—is a sort of shorthand, with a bunch of connotations.…
Good news: Dragon Age: Inquisition is pretty great. Less-good news: Being a story-heavy role-playing game, it…
Yesterday, I finished Dragon Age: Inquisition. By "finished," I mean that I played the final story mission and…
Character is one of gaming’s last great challenges.
Kirk "two weeks as a space commander" Hamilton has nothing on this person. The stuff they come up with thanks to all…
"Don't be That VR Guy," I keep thinking. I've spent the last couple of weeks playing Elite: Dangerous, a PC…
You know how the last 60 seconds on the clock of a NBA game can take 18 actual minutes to play through because of…
Remember the one where He-Man rubs his hands over sand so fast it turns to glass, and then he uses the glass to…
Cobra Commander was an incompetent buffoon; Destro a vainglorious bastard. The real power behind the Cobra…
It would be a real shame to forget about Cate Archer.