The Nintendo Switch has been out for a little over a week now, which is ample time to run out of games to buy and…
An adult RPG developed by Nampurrow in 1993.
The Nintendo Switch has been out for a little over a week now, which is ample time to run out of games to buy and…
Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s $50 or so worth of remote controlled flying Mario, also…
In For Honor, it’s hard to tell you’re fighting a lady until one of you is dead. Helmets and armor are so thick and…
When a game is as pretty as Destiny can be, it deserves more than some Mega Bloks sets. McFarlane Toys sets things…
Before you step completely naked (server settings willing) onto the hot sands of Conan Exiles’ barbaric wasteland,…
Another year is on the record books, and with it another couple dozen Ask Dr. Nerdlove columns. Such love, loss, and…
This is called “otona maki” (おとなまき) or “adult wrapping.”
Dungeons & Dragons has historically used attractive monsters, and especially of the female persuasion, to appeal to…
There are understandable complaints that The Division’s expansions are really just new game modes and not actual…
Greetings, you corrupting porn tentacles, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the first dating advice column to compete…