CultureSpeedrunningCultureSpeedrunningHow Hades Speedrunners Clear The Game In Under Eight MinutesSupergiant Games' roguelike has been mastered by speedrunnersByAri NotisPublishedOctober 13, 2020
ReviewsMultiplatformReviewsMultiplatformHades: The Kotaku ReviewHades is my game of the year. It’s also the game of the year. I don’t mean to say that Hades is objectively the…ByNathan GraysonPublishedSeptember 30, 2020
CultureCultureYou All Need To Pet The Dog In Hades MoreYou would think a big, fluffy dog in a video game would receive tons of pets from everyone. But apparently, this…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedSeptember 26, 2020
CultureOdds and EndsCultureOdds and EndsFinal Fantasy XVI’s Trailer Looks Like A Mix Of IX And XII (And That’s Great!) ByAsh ParrishPublishedSeptember 18, 2020
CultureCultureWhy You Can Only Pet One Of Cerberus' Three Heads In HadesAmong games in which you can pet the dog, Hades faces a unique challenge: The dog—Cerberus, the eternally fearsome ho…ByNathan GraysonPublishedSeptember 18, 2020
CultureCultureHades Is Out Of Early Access Now, And We Love ItRemember how Bastion, Transistor, and Pyre developer Supergiant promised that its Greek mythology-themed roguelike…ByNathan Grayson, Ash Parrish, and Ari NotisPublishedSeptember 17, 2020
OpinionAsk KotakuOpinionAsk KotakuWhat Is Your Single Favorite Piece Of Video Game Music?It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for Ask Kotaku, the weekly feature in which Kotaku’s rank and file weigh in on…ByAlexandra HallPublishedAugust 10, 2020
CultureCultureEmbracing The Beautiful Nonsense Of The Final Fantasy VII SpinoffsThis year has not been great for my mental health. But I recently thought I could just push those vibes away, even…ByMike SholarsPublishedJune 11, 2020
CultureCultureHow's It Going?: Final Fantasy VII EditionWelcome everyone to another wonderful open thread! Come on in and chat and stuff!ByZack ZwiezenPublishedMay 16, 2020
OpinionOpinionIt's Time For A Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII RemasterYesterday, I finished Final Fantasy VII Remake. Today, I find myself wanting more, but only a little more. Maybe…ByNathan GraysonPublishedMay 5, 2020