That little toy replica of Mass Effect's Normandy we showed you a few months back will soon have a twin. But not an i…
That little toy replica of Mass Effect's Normandy we showed you a few months back will soon have a twin. But not an i…
If you like Mass Effect for its blockbuster bits—the explosions, the futuristic set pieces involving giant alien…
Mass Effect 3 executive producer Casey Hudson spoke with UK magazine Xbox World, divulging some mid-production intel…
First screen shots of BioWare's Mass Effect 3 are here, thanks to Game Informer, and if there's one thing we can…
If there's one thing you can't say about BioWare this week, it's that they've been slack on downloadable content for…
Plans for even more downloadable content for Mass Effect 2 is hardly surprising, given BioWare's extended…
Put your internet connection to the test with this week's North American PlayStation Store update. There's 12…
Artist Emily Carroll's video game-inspired works don't fill the page with explosions, or large necks, or slutty…
To: Luke
From: Owen
Re: Did You Keep Your 2010 Resolutions? I Almost did
News updates from Mass Effect 2's Cerberus Network will cease after the service marks its one year anniversary on…