I've been hearing it for a month about Disgaea 4 not being included in the Coming Soon for Sept. 6 alongside other…
Announced as a vehicular combat game in the vein of Twisted Metal, the game was one of a few game at the time cancelled during a massive corporate structuring that found much of the company instead focusing on the original Metroid Prime game.
I've been hearing it for a month about Disgaea 4 not being included in the Coming Soon for Sept. 6 alongside other…
The giant Gamescom show in Germany continues and we're awash with impressions, screenshots and videos about the…
Video game news is being made right now in Germany, and we're putting it all together here so you can keep up with…
When Grand Theft Auto IV came out, I was swept away. The scope, depth, and scale of the game were almost too much to…
Rage opens with a glimpse of a fictional future once considered possible.
Most Twisted Metal games, despite their carnage, have been rated T for Teen. The lone exceptions are Twisted Metal:…
There was supposed to be chaos. There was supposed to be confusion. There was supposed to be collapse. There's…
PewPewPew - This replica Starhawk gun was being shown off under a plexiglass case at Sony's New York event today.…
I'm not sure Facebook can handle CivWorld, the brand new version of Civilization that launches on America's favorite…
Duke Nukem Forever begins in a casino bearing the Duke's name. While slowly making your way through this marble-clad…