The 15th Final Fantasy doesn't have a release date yet, nor does it even have a release year, but there's still…
Announced as a vehicular combat game in the vein of Twisted Metal, the game was one of a few game at the time cancelled during a massive corporate structuring that found much of the company instead focusing on the original Metroid Prime game.
The 15th Final Fantasy doesn't have a release date yet, nor does it even have a release year, but there's still…
On May 26, two weeks before E3, a man named Pete Dodd started a thread on the message board NeoGAF.
We started in Old Russia, "many years from now." A dramatic score swelled in the background. That was from the game.…
I detected nary an Australian accent from the characters in the new Mad Max game that made its surprise debut at E3…
The following is an excerpt from Earthbound, Ken Baumann's upcoming book about Nintendo's cult classic 1994 RPG.
There are no shortage of zombie games out there—but outstanding ones have come out in the last year. At first…
This is a real commercial for a real piece of hardware. It's for TrackingPoint, a company that makes laser-guided…
The things that stick out to me about Grand Theft Auto V are not the major things I was supposed to focus on when I…
It's hard to say which game is the best of 2013 so far. But two games are in a dead heat for worst: Aliens: Colonial…
We've got an all-new layout, but the same great gaming scoops and rumors from that mysterious figure known as…