I have played 10 hours of Final Fantasy XV, a video game about how One Direction spends their days off, and I’m…
Announced as a vehicular combat game in the vein of Twisted Metal, the game was one of a few game at the time cancelled during a massive corporate structuring that found much of the company instead focusing on the original Metroid Prime game.
I have played 10 hours of Final Fantasy XV, a video game about how One Direction spends their days off, and I’m…
As another wave of virtual reality technology breaks along the shore of humanity this week with PSVR, it’s only a…
I’ve been thinking a lot about Rage lately. Last week, I dove back in. Minutes became hours, and I soon realized I…
You’ve gotta wonder how much it cost to make Noctis’s hair. I mean, look at it. It’s a tangled black crown of spikes…
When games let me roll a character before I start, I always make someone who seems cool, rather than min-maxing…
I’ve been a fan of South Park for nearly 20 years. I’ve watched every episode, played every game, and at one point…
Odin Sphere for the PlayStation 2 is a gorgeous 2D masterpiece of an action role-playing game with a big slowdown…
Glitches and wobbles aside, Homefront: The Revolution is an adequate shooter that features some interesting moments.…
For a worrisome amount of time, Uncharted 4 feels like little more than a familiar, obligatory sequel, existing the…