The long-awaited futuristic FPS Brink highlights this week of releases, promising quadrillions of unique characters…
A Brick Game variant released in Brazil by Art Brink.
The long-awaited futuristic FPS Brink highlights this week of releases, promising quadrillions of unique characters…
MOMMY DEAREST | A Fear 3 family photo in frame sent to me by the folks at Day 1 Studios for Mother's Day. Photo:…
European Parkour tour Beyond the Brink had Daniel Ilabaca recreating the freerunning of Splash Damage shooter Brink…
The zombie fad shows no signs of dying - hah, get it? - as Treyarch delivers the Escalation Map Pack for Call of…
America may not be headed toward a future of citizens tracked with implanted chips, pacified by drugs and tightly…
Holiday weekends in the U.S. typically foreshadow light weeks in game releases and the coming seven days is no…
You may think phone service stinks since deregulation, but don't mess with us, because we're all you've got. In…
We've seen some great gaming set-ups on Kotaku in the past: Brian Crecente's High-Def Game Room, galleries of…
In a Nintendo Download populated by baby simulations, demos, and piano tutors, only one ancient robot has the power…