Forget graphics—for my money, audio is the most vital aspect of a video game. It's the thing that makes me get lost…
Forget graphics—for my money, audio is the most vital aspect of a video game. It's the thing that makes me get lost…
People become gamers by accident, usually when they're young. A school-friend's console turns them into one. Or a…
The Big Three make a bunch of promises every year at E3, during the big press conferences they throw at the start…
Starting next month computer Skyrim gamers will have access to the same development tools used by Bethesda Games…
In my hour spent wearing a macabre clown mask robbing banks, looting armored vans and freeing prisoners, I rarely…
As a game maker and the co-president of Games for Change, I was thrilled to be invited by Kotaku to discuss some of…
Why are custom gaming rigs so expensive? There's no such thing as a bulk discount when a company has to order each…
The other day while watching my high-definition copy of Blade Runner on my Xbox 360 HD-DVD drive, I received an…
At first blush, you might think the older kid on the left is faking the tears. But at right, one sees only the…