Resident Evil Revelations 2 has some awesome-looking co-op gameplay, and you can save 20% when you preorder for PC…
Resident Evil Revelations 2 has some awesome-looking co-op gameplay, and you can save 20% when you preorder for PC…
Excited for Majora's Mask 3D? Here are two awesome deals to get you ready.
The HD Remaster of Final Fantasy X and X-2 was one of our most popular games of 2013, which was impressive since…
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt Collector's Edition is back in stock at Walmart.
Vita Memory Cards are by far our most requested deal, so stock up. These aren't all-time best deals, but they're…
Humble's holding a special 50-75% off sale on a ton of Saints Row games and DLC packs this weekend. [Saints Row Sale]
Want to get your hands on that awesome NES-themed 3DS XL? It's $30 off today over at GameStop.
You might know me, you might not, but my name's Patrick Klepek, and I'm the newest addition to the Kotaku family.…
Shovel Knight was one of the most celebrated indies of 2014, and it's 33% off today on both theWii U and 3DS eShops.…
Super Smash Bros. finally came to the Wii U last month. Creative types that they are, avid fans have been having a…