November's The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword looks almost nothing like the old Nintendo Entertainment System Zelda…
Embark on an epic action-adventure to save the Kingdom of Avantia from ruin. Overcome the dark magic that has corrupted the noble Beasts of the realm. Battle in the mythical world, tackling challenges through stunning landscapes and a plethora of side missions and objectives. Unlock new abilities and upgrades to successfully combat varied opponents. Based on the best-selling fantasy novels, Beast Quest comes to console for the first time ever, with a rich, progressive storyline, vibrant settings, and an excess of compelling challenges.
November's The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword looks almost nothing like the old Nintendo Entertainment System Zelda…
Here are our weekly new-comics recommendations. Plus! You've heard about DC Comics New 52? The reboot of the…
Fans of classic rock and fantasy art will no doubt be familiar with the name Roger Dean. The British artist is as…
Dragon Quest IX was the deal of the century. It had something like seventy hours of single player gameplay, checking…
There's no mistaking it. Dark Souls is as much a Demon's Souls sequel as we're ever going to get, at least any time…
Are you a new Verizon iPhone owner? Or are you generally miserly when it comes to purchasing iPhone, iPod touch and…
Is Super Mario Bros. 2 bad? Was the Sonic series ever good? Who is the Ben Kingsley of video games? What does that…
In the first Final Fantasy XIV MMO Log, I wondered what my motivation for playing the game was. This week I decided…
The once-prolific Guitar Hero series sees just one major release this year. Once upon a time, we could expect…