The latest North American entry in Namco Bandai's beloved Tales series of role-playing games has arrived for the…
An Xbox Live Indie game developed by Silver Dollar Games.
The latest North American entry in Namco Bandai's beloved Tales series of role-playing games has arrived for the…
"What would Batman do?" That's a driving principle behind the upcoming game Batman: Arkham Origins. And, sure,…
I'm going to level with you. I have no idea if the next Thief game is going to be any good. And that's not for a…
Yesterday, with minimal pomp and circumstance, Bethesda announced that there will be no more official expansions for …
In less time than it takes to make a new BioShock, but in more time than it takes to crank out a new PlayStation…
It can be a bit difficult to talk about the new Tomb Raider without also talking about Uncharted. Naughty Dog's PS3…
For the first four and a half hours of the new God of War, you'd be forgiven for thinking that the game was made by…
No, I'm not making a joke about how SimCity's makers doubtless wish they could hit "undo" on last week's embarrassing…
Competition demands dominion. Dominion begets power. And, if you're serious about keeping that power, chances are…
I never wanted to have sex with Lara Croft. And I didn't want to protect her either. In the early Tomb Raider games…