There was a point in South Park: The Stick of Truth—somewhere between performing an abortion and farting on Nazi…
An Xbox Live Indie game developed by Silver Dollar Games.
There was a point in South Park: The Stick of Truth—somewhere between performing an abortion and farting on Nazi…
Coming to Kotaku, reading a story then reading another one is easy, but there's more to this site than the obvious.…
A city full of closed doors and dead ends, boxed in and lined with nothing but rough edges: That's Thief.
The creators of Magicka have never made a console game before, but their first—Helldivers—is one hell of a doozy.…
Amazon is offering up a Steam copy of Tomb Raider for a measly $9 today. If you still have any $5 editor's choice…
Look, some of us out there aren't super-awesome at Super Mario Bros., but this blinking arrow in Nintendo's new NES…
The Xbox One is a testament to Microsoft's towering ambition. It represents their desire not only to occupy a place…
Microsoft has had a noisy year. The response to the Xbox One's unpopular always-online DRM was deafening. The…
Speedruns on most games don't particularly enthrall me though I do acknowledge the skill and knowledge it takes to…
You’ve always wanted to know how the Punisher makes decisions, haven’t you? Or when exactly comic books got so damn…