Whether you're in it for the random chaos, or in it for the elegance of the surprisingly deep fighting game hidden…
An Xbox Live Indie game developed by Silver Dollar Games.
Whether you're in it for the random chaos, or in it for the elegance of the surprisingly deep fighting game hidden…
Sometimes when I'm playing a Crucible PvP match in Destiny, and the scores for the Alpha and Bravo teams are…
Lugdash Broken-Shield. Now there was a tricky orc to assassinate. Until I discovered he was scared of fire. Once I…
Titan Souls might be a little too on the nose as a name, but when your biggest influences appear to be Shadow of the…
A common line of thinking among modern video game fans goes something like this: Games have gotten dumber. Simpler.…
Samsung's 840 Pro SSDs have long set the high water mark for consumer SSD performance, and now it's getting a…
Frys has the first straight discount on the Playstation 4 today, $20 off, if you can get the site to load. In other…
Overpriced DLC, outsourced boss battles, fake Wii U exclusivity, and a lot of bullshit has surrounded Deus Ex: Human…
In a world where dinosaurs roam the earth, the biggest threats players will face might not be fearsome creatures…
Lichdom: Battlemage first emerged several months ago in the form of a trailer showcasing some excellent-looking…