When Dark Souls released in 2011, it helped solidify a new genre of action RPG. Since then, players have held onto…
A point-and-click adventure game.
When Dark Souls released in 2011, it helped solidify a new genre of action RPG. Since then, players have held onto…
A month ago at Wednesday Night Fights, a local weekly tournament in southern California, Dawn “Yohosie” Hosie was…
The PS4’s latest blockbuster moviegame Detroit: Become Human is like something my Alexa would come up with, were I…
Among Overwatch fans, King’s Row is generally regarded as the game’s best map. It doesn’t do any one thing…
There’s a new God of War game out, and as you may have heard, it owns. It’s also a pretty involved game with lots of…
Hello all you beautiful urchins of impending doom, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the dating advice column with…
Far Cry 5 is a complicated game that needs to convey a ton of information at once. Good thing it’s got a great user…
SAN FRANCISCO—In a small room yesterday inside the massive Moscone Center meeting complex, roughly 200 people…
Battlefield 1’s final expansion, fittingly called Apocalypse, released during the last week of February. Alongside…
I bet you own a few cords. You might have so many cords that they burst out behind your TV stand or below your…