Between interviews, video shoots and encounters with mascots, I played a bunch of games at and around E3 last week.…
The preparations for the most exciting happening of the year are well on there way. The biggest football match of all times is going to start. FC Wild Dogs has been challenged by SV Lion Rocks. The coaches of both teams are still thinking about the final line-up. Today is the day, the match is going to start.... who will win?
Between interviews, video shoots and encounters with mascots, I played a bunch of games at and around E3 last week.…
The meteorological Fall kicked off on September 1 with the release of a new Metal Gear Solid and an open-world Mad…
Kotaku tries a lot of games, both good and bad. This list contains all the good ones we played last month.
Now that we're into July and 2014 is half over, how's everyone's year been? Good? Mediocre? Crappy? Okay, let's talk…
According to video games, the only thing I'm interested in—when I'm not being lazy—is sunshine, fun and carefree…
Soccer is a twenty-two-player competitive ball game (CBG). Soccer has been in development for two thousand years.…
It's impossible to escape the influence of Charles Darwin: even if you've never paid attention in class, his theory…
There is a story my friend Daphny likes to tell. She calls it one of the worst experiences of her life. It involves…
Back in November, 1,049 Japanese people were asked by survey company goo Ranking to choose which animated or Tokusat…
I haven't picked up a LEGO title in years but I have to admit LEGO Batman 2 has my attention. A bonus credit on the…