Shigeru Miyamoto made Donkey Kong, and, in the process, put a woman on top of some girders for Mario to rescue. His S…
A stunt car game with insane tricks in cars filled with cute animals.
Shigeru Miyamoto made Donkey Kong, and, in the process, put a woman on top of some girders for Mario to rescue. His S…
It was the hot, sticky summer of 1990. Japan's bubble economy, the period of rapid growth during the 1980s, would…
Slim, sexy and packed with a library of games, the iPad is shaping up to be a powerful contender in the eyes and for…
Whew. We've just dashed from Microsoft's hectic E3 presser to EA's, at the "historic" Orpheum in downtown LA. Shall…
Perhaps rethinking their no new games for this holiday season policy, Nintendo just shot out a press release…