They have all the secrets to make you a better Madden gamer. "SUPERIOR KNOWLEDGE OVER THE COMPETITION," says the…
They have all the secrets to make you a better Madden gamer. "SUPERIOR KNOWLEDGE OVER THE COMPETITION," says the…
In approximately 90 days, walk into any bar in the State of Ohio. If there aren't any signs stating otherwise, feel…
Microsoft removed a Confederate soldier's uniform and cap from an Xbox Live avatar items collection, following…
While I don't read any statements or endorsements of historical viewpoints behind this, Microsoft had to figure…
It all started with a middle finger. It was directed firmly at England, and for the next 200-plus years, America's…
We don't often associate Disney with video games - not outside of its current push as a publisher, anyway - but in…
Snooze and the Gray | Interestingly, South Carolina chose to observe the 150th anniversary of April 12, 1861, the…
Comic fans got some good (or at least promising) news yesterday, with word that two of the best series in recent…
For a game based on a historical period and littered with historical figures, the latest Call of Duty game sure does…
The United States Supreme Court hears its first ever case about video games this week. The stakes are high. Here's…