It is the future. A young man, arms strong from competing with 100 other shoppers every day to be the only person to…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Am I AI
Am I AI - Image Trivia Game is an exciting and addictive game that puts your visual intelligence to the test! Set to challenge players' perceptions, AM I AI is an innovative picture trivia quiz game that invites players to distinguish between AI-generated images and real images created by photographers, illustrators and designers. Each level presents you with two similar images, one created by AI and the other real. The challenge is to identify which image has been generated by AI correctly. With different of categories to choose from, including faces, landscapes, and more, the game offers variety and multiple levels of difficulty, for the most keen of eyes. Immerse yourself in stunning visuals as you explore captivating images and uncover the secrets of AI-generated artwork. Train your eye to spot the subtle differences and nuances that distinguish real photos from AI-generated ones. Engage in a captivating journey of discovery, where each correct guess brings you closer to unlocking new categories and conquering higher levels. Sharpen your visual acuity and become a master at deciphering AI-generated content.
It is the future. A young man, arms strong from competing with 100 other shoppers every day to be the only person to…
Elex is a terribly constructed video game full of glitches, lag, eye-sores, and confusing mechanics. I would not…
Civilization VI had a strong launch and reviewed very well, but in November 2017, Civilization V—a 2010 video…
The back page of Alex Hall’s economics textbook was filled with scribbles. Diagrams, notes, story beats, a web that…
Last Friday, Blade Runner 2049, the sequel to the iconic cyberpunk film, hit theaters. Staff writers Gita Jackson…
I’ve put 81 hours into Divinity: Original Sin 2 over the last 12 days. When I wasn’t playing, I was thinking about…
Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite arrives this week, bringing a revamped two-character tag-team battle system and cinematic…
Pyre is a sports game about starting a revolution. In a worse game, that would be a joke, but Pyre takes both its…
I am very sure that the Arms AI is cheating, and I am not the only person who thinks so.
For the last month, I’ve been livestreaming my playthrough of The Surge on Kotaku’s Twitch channel, defeating one…