Yet another revolution around the sun without a peek at Metroid Prime 4
A horror themed first person shooter.
Yet another revolution around the sun without a peek at Metroid Prime 4
Dear THQ Nordic store, I am not supposed to have the urge to cuddle a video game hero until after I have played it,…
Skull & Bones is sailing into rough waters once again. In an earnings report today, Ubisoft revealed that the game…
Like a sexy civilian in a superhero movie, Marvel’s Avengers needs saving. Someone, or something, needs to swoop in…
Today, Twitch banned and de-partnered Ali “Gross Gore” Larsen, a longtime streamer and subject of controversy, after…
I remember feeling so optimistic on New Year’s 2020. It’s hard to say when, exactly, that optimism was shattered due…
The loveable (and a bit decayed) Stubbs the zombie returns in... Stubs The Zombie, a remastered port of the cult…
A couple weeks ago, most people hadn’t ever heard of WallStreetBets, the edgelord Reddit hangout for renegade…
The further I get from my childhood, the closer I come to articulating what I miss about it. Through the confusing…
Twitch’s past three weeks have been bleak, to say the least. Late last month, the company abruptly purged thousands…