Welcome to the April 2010 edition of K Monthly, a look back at some of the best original coverage, including…
3D Dot Game Heroes is an action adventure title paying a strong homage to 8bit adventure games such as The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy Adventures. The game uses a unique style, presenting 2D retro-style graphics in a 3D environment using voxels
Welcome to the April 2010 edition of K Monthly, a look back at some of the best original coverage, including…
Talk about cramming it all in at the end of the quarter. First the Modern Warfare team decided to sue Activision for…
This week, Kotaku's reviews took the fight to the streets and to the skies. They fought battles in the Old West and…
Downloadable games, free gear for MAG and brand new Rock Band Network tracks are just some of the highlights in this…
Somehow I went from discussing reviewing the neat little bean bag chairs Sumo provides to events like the recent…
Can the innovative implementation of 3D pixels and a good sense of humor save Silicon Studio's 3D Dot Game Heroes…
3D Dot Game Heroes might look like a 3D pixel take on The Legend of Zelda, but this trailer is all Old Spice's…
Using 3D Dot Game Heroes's built-in character editor, Game Informer's Tim Turi takes the Zelda "homage" full-circle.
You might have noticed that the week's list of new retail releases is a little slow following the Easter holiday.…