Since 2005, Video Games Live has been performed in front of more than half a million people around the world.…
18: Dream World is a mobile puzzle RPG from Japan, designed by Tetsuya Mizuguchi.
Since 2005, Video Games Live has been performed in front of more than half a million people around the world.…
Summer means sun. Weeks off school, days off work, Coronas under a palm tree as a sea breeze washes over you. But it…
Whew. We've just dashed from Microsoft's hectic E3 presser to EA's, at the "historic" Orpheum in downtown LA. Shall…
Even though there were lots of big sequels released last year (like almost every year before it!), 2008 did see its…
Don't call it a comeback (yet), but for the third week in a row, PlayStation 3 software sits atop Japan's…
Long lines at electronics stores in Japan translate to big sales of Resident Evil 5, with the survival horror game…
It's no secret that Sega's Yakuza 3 (AKA Ryu Ga Gotoku 3) has sold 372,000 copies in its debut week. That's…
On Friday, Hollywood flick Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li opens in theaters across the United States. We were…
Video games are not recession proof. With the cratering global economy, the game industry is certainly feeling the…
The forces of Cosmos and the forces of Chaos square off as beloved characters from Final Fantasies past do battle…