A frustrated Utah woman listed her Call of Duty-playing husband on her local Craigslist as free to a good home, "if acceptable replacement is offered will trade."
"I am selling my 22 year old husband. He enjoys eating and playing video games all day. Easy to maintain, just feed and water every 3-5 hours. You must have Internet and space for gaming. Got tired of waiting so free to good home. If acceptable replacement is offered will trade."
Alyse Baddley, 21, tells ABCNews.com that she decided to put her 22-year-old husband up for trade on Craigslist because he had become too engrossed in Call of Duty.
She put up the listing after getting permission from her husband's mom. She received a number of responses soon thereafter:
"One woman offered to train Kyle and give him back. Another respondent, a man, wrote that he was already house-trained and would love to trade himself for Kyle, adding that he preferred reading books to playing video games."
Alyse and Kyle married in 2010, right before Kyle headed for Afghanistan to complete his military service. Alyse says the whole thing was just a joke... really.
‘Gamer' Husband Auctioned Off on Craigslist
You can contact Brian Crecente, the author of this post, at brian@kotaku.com. You can also find him on Twitter, Facebook, and lurking around our #tips page.